Submission is now close!
If you miss the submission, we invite you to submit a two-page abstract during the late call in February 2022.
We recommand you to send us an e-mail (escape32 @ toulouse-inp.fr) to be part of ESCAPE32 newsletter.
Submit a Full Paper
You can submit a full paper from 21th october until 29th november 2021.
You will find below the full paper instructions
Authors will be able to choose between two options:
- 6 pages paper option: Authors will be invited to submit a 6 pages manuscript for the publication of a full paper (6 pages). The full papers will be included in the Computer Aided Chemical Engineering book, with DOI and indexation.
- 2 pages short-paper option : Authors will be invited to submit an extended abstract / short paper (2 pages). The extended abstract will be part of an abstract book.
Both types of papers will be fully reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and the final decision of acceptation will be taken on the basis of the full text, either 6pages_paper or 2pages_short paper.
Please use the template below to submit your abstract.
Template 6 pages paper - Latex
We kindly remind you to respect the template.
Please find bellow where to find the ELSEVIER toolbar (click on the image to zoom it)
Normally when you click on style you should have els-XXX for each part of the full paper. For exemple els-title, els-body...
If you have any dificulties, please contact us (escape32 @ toulouse-inp.fr)
Full Paper Submission Procedure
All the submissions and reviews are handled HERE
- Login on the submission page
- Click on “your submission” and then click on “Full Paper Upload”
- Upload the PDF of your full paper. You don’t need to choose between 6 pages or 2 pages, the software will recognize how much pages your PDF is. This is one of the reasons to carefully respect the template.