The French Society of Process Engineering brings together at the French level all the people who have a professional activity in the field of process engineering: researchers and research professors, industrialists and equipment manufacturers coming from all sectors of activity: chemistry, oil, pharmacy , cosmetology, agri-food, stationery, metallurgy, water treatment … It has about 500 members.
In order to promote the exchange of knowledge between these different actors, the SFGP has structured itself into 17 Thematic Groups covering different scientific disciplines: Agitation and Mixing, Materials Development, Energy, Food and Biotechnology Engineering, Separation Methods, Formulation Processes , Informatics and Processes, Process Integration, Reactors, Safety, Thermodynamics and Processes, Water and Air Treatment, Waste and Polluted Site Treatment and Divided Solids. Each thematic group leader organizes scientific meetings, debates or symposiums by inviting people who have expressed interest in the theme.
The SFGP publishes its procedural liaison bulletin in which you will find a summary of the activities of each thematic group, as well as a lot of information related to current events in the field of Process Engineering.
The SFGP, is also the biennial organization of the French Congress of Process Engineering, the « Cathala-Letort » scientific prospective days and the collection of scientific books « Recent Progress in Process Engineering » (Edition Tec & Doc Lavoisier).