Please find bellow the conference Agenda of ESCAPE32
You can create you own agenda by log in yourself and click on + on each session you want to assist.
Then you will find your favorite session on My Agenda.
- Oral presentations: Oral presentations will be given in multiple sessions. In order to maximize the number of presentations each participant could visit, we plan max. 5 sessions taking place in parallel. We have two types of Oral presentations:
- Key Notes at the beginning of parallel sessions. Each speaker will have a total of 20 min to present his/her work followed by 10 min for questions.
- Classical Oral Presentations. Each speaker will have a total of 15 min to present his/her work followed by 5 min for questions.
There will be about 160 oral presentations in total. The presentation (PowerPoint format) should be provided to the local organizers at least 30 minutes before the session starts.
- Poster presentations: About 55% of all contributions will be posters (size A0, portrait format, template free), to be presented within the poster sessions. The posters should be put on the stands in the morning and removed by the end of the day. We aim to organize an evaluation of the best posters and the announcement of the awards will be given at the closing ceremony. The selection will be made by the International Scientific Committee.
- Special workshop: The program also includes a workshop on Education in CAPE on Tuesday 14 June (2:30 pm) on the theme “Practicing Reflexible Thinking”.